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This is
a Brand's world...

... but it would be nothing without a vision and a plan.

Why Rachel?

Big Thinker Meets Detailed Doer

Listening to my client's needs and dreams is the beginning. Then we craft the vision and objectives.

Your brand achieves peak vitality through attention to detail that infuses your marketing and operations.

The Basics

These are the tools that make things happen.

Ideation | Research | Strategy | Copywriting | Graphic Design | Website Development |

Social Media | Community & Culture Cultivation | Operations Brand Alignment

The Brand Manifest

Your go-to, Holy Grail, one-stop resource.
Keeps your employees, clients, and bottom line happy.

• Research Brief

• Competitive Analysis

• Comparative Analysis

• SWOT Anaylysis

• Brand DNA

• Target Customer Profiles

• Employee Profiles

• Job Titles/Descriptions

• Strategy: Social Media,

   Product, Experience, Culture

• Company Elevator Pitch

• Branded Graphic Mechanicals

• Visual Usage Guidelines

• Voice Style Guidelines

• Mood Boards

• Taglines

• Email Signatures

• Digital Stationary

• Business Cards

• Signage (internal/external)

• Brand Training

• Company Way of Life

• Go to Market Playbook

• BOH Motivationals

• Merch Strategy

• Brand Experience Playbook

• Community Relations Map

• Uniform Program/Dress Code

• Relationships/Partnerships

• PR Kit

The Benefits

Brand Integrity. It's what's for breakfast.

Brand Integrity means two things. One, your brand is what it says it is. Two, your brand is the same in one arena as another arena. A fitness guru who extols health in public but chain smokes in private will eventually be found out and their brand and bottom line will suffer.


In addition to the core benefit of cultivating Brand Integrity, working together comes with many other benefits, allowing you to focus on what you love about your business.


No Agency Fees | Turnkey Services | Customized Plans | Evergreen Templates & Playbooks | Scalable Strategies & SOPs | Sweet Relief

Popular Packages

Customizable based on your needs, scale, and budget.


into Wine

Sometimes the project is big but the budget is lean. Implementing strategic branding & marketing saves you dough and generates lasting rewards.



Surviving the Covid-era has been tough. Sometimes it's time for a reboot and realignment with your brand to get your customers back in the door, literally or metaphorically.



Has the Great Resignation and Gen Z mystique stymied your operations or growth? Creating a company culture that attracts and retains team members is at the core of your Brand.



You are an expert in your field but you don't have the bandwidth for making sure that all of your digital assets across social media platforms, presentations, marketing, etc. are consistent. I've got you!

Get up offa
that thing!

What are you waiting for? Let's do this!


(Bonus Points if you identified two nods to the Godfather of Soul on this page.)

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