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Strive not to be a success,

but rather to be of value...


Albert Einstein



...and success will follow.

Yours Truly

Fall 2024- present

Founder, FCMO Grow

FCMO Grow is a membership-based Fractional Chief Marketing Officer firm for small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) ready to grow to the next level. We help SMBs optimize the complex world of omnichannel digital marketing by providing executive Leadership and Strategy at a fraction of the cost.

2011- present

Branding, Marketing, Community Relations

I create comprehensive Brand DNA and leverage community building for projects varying from complex real estate developments to social impact initiatives. 


Author, Confessions of an American None: A Credo of Sorts

What better way to endure the pandemic than to publish a book! Confessions is part memoir, part credo, and part romp in pop culture, exploring the mass migration of Americans away from organized religion.

since I was 16!

Fitness Motivator

Even as a hustling Brand Boss, I continue to teach fitness classes on the side. Keeping the body healthy keeps the mind healthy, and vice-versa. Besides, my practical side has always thought, "Why pay to workout when you can get paid to workout?"


& Technology

No schooling was allowed to

interfere with my education...


Grant Allen


...because I'm a lifelong learner.

Yours Truly

Southern Methodist University | Master’s Degree

I describe my Master's Degree as being the anthropology of theology– studying the deepest human impulses to find meaning in the world.

Texas Woman's University | Bachelor's Degree

I chose to major in English literature for practical reasons and minored in philosophy for idealistic reasons. The study of literature encompassed all facets of the human experience– history, art forms, genres, culture, class, war, peace, and so on. Philosophy taught me about the recessed mechanisms by which humans navigate our world.


Google Workspace, Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Rush, Adobe Stock, PRNewswire, Slack, Asana, Basecamp, Club Ready, Digital Stack, Optisigns, Wix, WordPress, Printful, Canva



I am unable to quit,

as I am currently too legit.



The Venerable MC Hammer



⬆︎ What he said. ⬆︎

Yours Truly

  • Big Thinker/Detailed Doer

  • Efficient & Strategic Budget Management

  • Public Speaking & Presentations

  • Cross-Functional Teamwork

  • Brand Training & Development

  • Operations & Compliance Brand Audits

  • Project Management & Client Relations

  • Meyers Brigg- INTJ/Mastermind

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