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Case Studies

Commercial Real Estate

Commercial Real Estate

One Brand with Multiple Operators Under One Roof

The Brand: The Statler, Dallas


Challenge: Creating a seamless guest experience when there were over five different operators under one roof.


Aimbridge Hospitality managed the hotel component, which was also subject to Hilton compliance. Pinnacle managed the residences. Epic Hospitality ran all Food & Beverage. The entertainment space had its own operator and multiple retail spaces had different operators. But from the guests' perspective, it needed to feel like a seamless fun, sophisticated experience.


Solution: First, I created the Brand Ethos, Be a Part of Something Greater, to inspire all operating entities to see beyond their immediate self-interests. Then, I labeled our mission One Roof, One Experience so that we were all clear on the objective. And to make the rubber hit the road, I created the Brand Council with leadership representatives from all operating groups. We met regularly to iron our detailed logistics. This ensured that all brand visuals and messaging, and the guest experience were fulfilling the brand promise.


Brand Arena(s): Identity, Promise, Experience

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OneBrand Statler

Safety & Security for Residents in an Urban Renewal Zone

The Brand: The Statler Residences, Dallas


Challenge: The historic redevelopment of this property was in a part of downtown that had been a blight for over 14 years. Homelessness, panhandling, and street drugs threatened the image and experience of potential residents during presale.


Solution: Often times there is a perceived conflict of interests between nonprofit agencies and developers in emergent markets. It was important to show solidarity in care for our homeless neighbors by supporting local nonprofit agencies. I also stayed closely in tuned with city policies and efforts to address these issues, sometimes advocating on behalf of the developer so that everyone's interests were considered. Maintaining friendly relationships with our security team also ensured quick responses should any issues arise. Communicating with our staff and residents mitigated further concerns as well.


Brand Arena(s): Experience

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Safety Statler Residences

Attracting High Net Worth Buyers

The Brand: Residences at The Stoneleigh, Dallas


Challenge: The property still had a high vacancy rate years after its opening.


Solution: Prospective buyers for this property came mostly through word of mouth of current residents and friends of residents. Therefore, it was not that important to build out an expensive website. Rather, an audit of the resident experience and employee morale yielded improved happiness all the way around. This, in turn, garnered more referrals. Also, providing updated talking points to the sales staff about unique features of the property deepened product knowledge and enthusiasm.


Brand Arena(s): Promise, Experience

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Rebounding After Covid & Brand Fatigue

The Brand: Bodybar Pilates, Dallas


Challenge: The Legacy Studio in the franchise system had been hit hard by Covid and had been a victim of its own success. Competitors now flooded the hyperlocal market compared to when it first opened and was the first of its kind. It was no longer the bright, shiny object.


Solution: Only courageous owners and founders can admit when sometimes it's just time to start over. After removing any influences that denigrated the brand experience, the focus was on hiring the right people, implementing proper processes, refining the product, and returning to a member-centric experience.


Brand Arena(s): Identity, Promise, Experience

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Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness

Corporate Culture Clash with Local Market, Bottom Line Suffers

The Brand: Equinox Fitness, New York and Dallas


Challenge: Based in Manhattan, this luxury fitness chain heralds Madison Avenue marketing campaigns and is accustomed to building out locations in high rises. Neither of these resonated well with the broader community inside a suburban neighborhood in Texas who were family oriented and liked parking next to the front door of a business. 


Solution: Downplay or avoid altogether some of the more controversial marketing collaterals used locally. Build trusting relationships with local influencers that are personal and overshadow any perceived brand barriers. Be active in local community groups.


Brand Arena(s): Identity, Promise, Experience

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Other Industries

Epic yet Intimate Client Experience

The Brand: Sauce Studio, Los Angeles


Challenge: The highly acclaimed yet modest owner of this boutique special effects studio in Hollywood needed the website to reflect more of the intimate service that he provides his clients. 


Solution: Reformatting and adding images of the IRL studio and a bio of the Owner. His work speaks for itself but adding a human element to his site brought the magic of the big screen down to earth.


Brand Arena(s): Identity, Experience


Other Industries

Social Impact
Employee Retention

Employee Retention & Morale

The Brand: Tri-Arc Construction,  Dallas


Challenge: During a construction boom in this urban setting, retaining employees was particularly challenging when they were being lured by competitors. Coupled with that, though their current project was exciting to be a part of, it was very demanding. 


Solution: Reflect the owner's intention for a positive, healthy work environment on the company website, using messaging that appeals to job seekers. Deliver a happy work culture through recognition, continuing education, fun employee events.


Brand Arena(s): Promise, Experience

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Social Impact

Complex, Emergent Cultural Phenomenon Translated to Simple, Easy to Understand Idea

The Brand: American None, National


Challenge: One of the most significant cultural revolutions in our country is a sleeping giant of which few people are cognizant. Over 1/3 of Americans are "Nones"– people who select "none of the above" as their religious affiliation. They are neither atheist nor agnostic nor religious. They are most closely akin to the idea of "spiritual but not religious."


Demographers and cultural researchers know this cohort well, despite the fact that Nones don't know that there's a word to describe them.


Solution: In an effort to start to uncover the collective voice of this massive swath of the public, I had to trace back to the most deeply recessed DNA of this group. It came down to one basic messaging point. 


Nones may vary in many beliefs and lifestyles but they can nearly all agree that "Love is Greater than Labels." Nones are not anti-religious nor religious and they eschew labels in general. â€‹


Brand Arena(s): Identity

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Big Heart Needs Clarified Mission & Messaging

The Brand: CANA Foundation, Long Island


Challenge:  The Founder of this rewilding nonprofit organization had big visions with multiple issues that she cared deeply about. This could cause brand confusion and weakened her fundraising efforts.


Solution: Distilling multifarious passions into cohesive messaging was critical to refining her mission, which then helped her with fundraising and awareness campaigns. Refining her messaging and mission further informed how special events were conducted that reinforced the brand identity.


Brand Arena(s): Identity, Promise, Experience

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Branding | Marketing | Community Relations

American None
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